Check out this page to learn more about our Providers and to Meet Our Staff at Root Function Wellness!

Meet Our Staff:   Dr. Amy Wagoner, MD/ABFM/IFMCP

"Dr. Amy Wagoner"

Dr. Amy Wagoner, MD is a member of the American Board of Family Medicine and a Certified Practitioner of the Institute For Functional Medicine.

Dr. Amy Wagoner is from a small South Dakota farming community and knew from a very young age she wanted to become a doctor.  Her childhood dream of becoming a doctor was often considered an unlikely reality.  With dedication, determination and focus, Dr. Wagoner was able to fulfill her dream with the support of family.

Dr. Amy Wagoner is proud to offer Functional Medicine services to Watertown, South Dakota and the surrounding area at her Root Function Wellness clinic.  Dr. Wagoner will work diligently to teach her patients about the benefits of functional medicine.  She will help her patients find options available to improve their wellness by using the proven techniques and strategies of Functional Medicine.

Dr. Amy Wagoner treats patients of all ages!    

Medical Background for Dr. Amy Wagoner

Dr. Amy Wagoner completed her undergraduate course work at the University of Illinois and the University of Utah.  She returned to South Dakota for medical school and graduated cum laude from the University of South Dakota Sanford School of Medicine in 1997 with a Medical Degree.  Dr. Wagoner completed her residency training at the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire Family Medicine Residency Program and became Board Certified in Family Medicine in 2000.  Since 2000 she has been practicing Family Medicine while caring for patients of all ages.  Dr. Wagoner enjoys the variety of unique conditions and challenges found in a rural Family Medicine practice because no two days are alike.

Finding Functional Medicine

In 2014, Dr. Amy Wagoner became aware of Functional Medicine and felt it made sense to look at the body as one whole system rather than just the individual parts.  Dr. Wagoner was determined to keep learning more about this functional medicine approach to care.  Shortly after this, Dr. Wagoner started her training to learn more about Functional Medicine.

The Secret of the care of the patient is in caring for the patient.

Very quickly Dr. Wagoner became convinced of the benefits of the functional medicine approach to providing patient care.  She began applying some of the knowledge to the patients already under her care at that time.  She quickly noticed that visit after visit, patients would return with fewer symptoms and less need for medication.

Dr. Wagoner can attest, that as a healthcare provider it is rewarding to see an empowered patient transform from chronic illness to thriving wellness.  After seeing the power of functional medicine practices, she knew she must continue her training and complete her Functional Medicine education.  In 2018, Dr. Amy Wagoner, MD became a Certified Practitioner from the Institute for Functional Medicine.

Dr. Amy Wagoner is excited to serve your functional medicine needs and help to empower you to reach your most optimal level of health.

Book your appointment today!

Meet our Staff: Lori Steinley PA-C, PT, ND

Lori Steinley is a physician assistant, physical therapist, naturopath, reflexologist and a nutritional consultant. 

She grew up in central Minnesota on a dairy farm.  She was always interested in the health care of the farm animals.  This transitioned to people after her first day of shadowing a physical therapist.  She became intrigued with biology and anatomy classes and how to improve the function and wellness of the body.  After 33 years in health care, she continues to be fascinated with health and wellness, using traditional and integrative methods.

A pivotal event in her life was being diagnosed with Lyme disease and associated co-infections over 20 years ago.  At that time the uncertainty and lack of understanding and follow through of treatment led to frustration and seeking alternative avenues of care.  This caused her to seek and learn whole-body treatments to help with a variety of symptoms, including chronic pain and fatigue. 

One of the most difficult lessons was the ongoing threat of a flare of the disease and how to guard against it by enhancing her immunity and health.

Lori enjoys using her traditional medical background and skills along with her integrative techniques to reach a higher level of health.  She enjoys working with clients to make lifestyle changes along with using interventions and treatments.  She believes it is paying it forward to those who have helped her. 

Her medical education includes:

  • University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, North Dakota. Masters of Physician Assistant Studies
  • St. Cloud State University, Master of Science, Exercise Physiology
  • College of St. Scholastica, Duluth, Minnesota. Bachelor of Arts in Physical Therapy
  • Trinity College of Natural Health, Warsaw, Indiana. Diploma in Doctor of Naturopathy.
  • Trinity College of Natural Health, Warsaw, Indiana. Certification in Nutritional Counseling
  • International Institute of Reflexology. Certification in Reflexology.

Lori began her physical therapy career thinking she would be treating neurological conditions but soon she was drawn into the orthopedic realm.  She found she loved to teach and this led her to complete a master’s degree so she could be a physical therapy professor. 

Life took another turn as she married, had children, and then was diagnosed with the chronic illness of Lyme disease.  All along she continued to work part-time as it gave her enjoyment and purpose in the medical world.  As she sought to heal herself she would learn techniques to heal her patients also.  This developed into specialties of chronic pain, temporomandibular joint pain and headaches, women’s health conditions, neck and back pain, and lymphedema.  While treating these conditions she realized there was a missing component of nutrition/supplementation and deficiency in body systems contributing to the lack of a higher level of healing.  She found this improvement in her own health through naturopathy so pursued and completed her diploma in naturopathy to add to her treatment protocols.  She found success in this combination of treatment in her home business. 

As her joint pain progressed causing some difficulty in continuing to work as a physical therapist and her desire to treat the whole person grew, she returned to college to complete her physician assistant degree. 

This new degree did open doors to work in urology clinics, chronic pain clinic, family practice, and a non surgical orthopedic center where she used the functional medicine model.

Finding Root Function Wellness

When deciding to move to Watertown from Minnesota, Lori was pleased that the community had access to functional medicine through Dr. Amy Wagoner’s clinic.  She immediately pursued treatment for herself and began discussing options on how she could share her skills and talents. 

Lori is thrilled to be able to use all of her skills, knowledge and techniques to benefit those with chronic illness, including chronic pain.  She feels blessed she can continue to work and feels it is a privilege to help people achieve improved health and wellness.

Treatments offered by Lori include :

  • functional medicine assessment and traditional medical care
  • physical therapy-including manual techniques, craniosacral therapy, visceral manipulation, and exercise instruction
  • naturopathy including muscle response testing, and nutritional counseling
  • reflexology
  • ozone therapy (Prolozone)

One of Lori’s favorite sayings is-“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass.  It’s about learning how to dance in the rain…”

She is excited to get involved in the Watertown community and to meet you soon!

Book Your Appointment Today!

Meet our Staff: Dawn Clearwater RN NBCHWC

Dawn Clearwater RN FMCHC has been a nurse for over 30 years. Most of that time has been focused on Women’s Health. She is very excited to help all of Dr. Wagoner’s patients at Root Function Wellness meet their health goals and experience the full power of Functional Medicine in empowering their health!

Dawn has a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from the University of Northern Colorado. She knew from a very early age that being a nurse was her calling. She has also completed training at the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy and completed her certification to become a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach.

Dawn became interested in Functional Medicine when she tried changing her diet and reducing stress to help with chronic pain issues. It was through this experience that she realized that medications and traditional medicine do not always have all of the answers to resolve an issue. It was during this time that she was asked to expand her knowledge to include Functional Medicine Health Coaching. Dr. Wagoner has been instrumental in helping Dawn in this new endeavor.

As a coach, Dawn can offer guidance in following a treatment plan given to a client by their provider. This may include help with nutrition, exercise, stress, sleep, relationships, and spirituality. She also offers Reiki treatments. Reiki is a method of aligning the energy centers in the body to promote healing.

“By sharing this knowledge with others I can help them reach personal goals and feel better physically which can lead to emotional health as well.”